
Cubicly partners with organizations as we reimagine distributed workforce management. Cubicly helps develop work strategies to align with the company’s culture and strategic goals.

What We DO

Alignment between corporate strategy, real estate footprint, and workforce capacity planning has continuously evolved over the past several years.  We help to assess and recommend custom solutions that work best for your organization.

Corporate Solutions

Office Footprint Consolidation and Expansion
Workforce Capacity Planning
Home and Office Furniture Procurement
Hybrid/ Remote Work Feasibility Studies
Policies and Agreements
Cultural Surveys
Management and Employee Training
Compensation and Benefit Realignment
Digital Transformation Change Management


The Convenience of your office in the comfort of your home

How It Works

Whether it’s transitioning one department or an entire company to a remote work environment, Cubicly will help you through the process.


Assess the business needs and identify gaps in existing WFH policies, practices, and procedures.


Prepare your workforce for a remote work based on industry best practices.


Employees select products that fit their space and style, while staying in budget.


Products ship directly to the employee and assembled on-site.


The convenience of the office, in the comfort of home.

Cubicly Benefits

Unlock Productivity

Do your employees feel overwhelmed and underproductive? Cubicly assists organizations in operationalizing hybrid work while creating safe work environments that promote productivity and reduce burn-out. Say goodbye to procrastination and hello to a more efficient and fulfilling workday for your employees.

Increase Talent Recruitment Pipeline

Looking for a deeper pool of candidates? Talent searches should no longer be constrained by the surrounding area of a corporate address. Partnering with Cubicly grants you the flexibility needed to recruit the best person for the job regardless of location.

Become a Best Place to Work

Cubicly partners with operational leaders to design tailored remote work policies and procedures for the organization, including human-centric practices that proritize employee well being. Our customers have access to Cubicly’s Work Resources, which equips leaders with tools to create a supportive and respectful environment where employees feel valued and motivated.

Cost Synergies

In addition to leveraging Cubicly’s buying power, customers have found ways to decrease costs in corporate overhead like leased office space, reduced insurance claims, and lower utility bills. Customers may also reduce long-term salary costs by switching to compeptive compensation and benefits that support the employees’s needs and priorities. All while allowing for increased flexibility and productivity among employees.

Competitive Advantage

Is the competition getting tighter in the current economy? Give your company a fighting chance by allowing the organization to respond quickly to opportunities, meet customer demands, build efficiency, and stay ahead of regionalized market impacts. Studies show that flexible work arrangements can provide a robust, scalable operation; businesses can achieve higher customer satisfaction and maintain leverage on client relationships.

Enhance the remote work experience

“We hire for attitude. We have built a culture where we can trust associates. And they are using the same technology now that they had in the office.”

– Kirt Walker, Nationwide CEO

“…we will have less footprint, I think that’s highly likely. We’ve proven we can operate with effectively no footprint.”

– James Gorman, Morgan Stanley CEO

“Work is what we do, not where we are.”

– General Services Administration