Return to Office (RTO) in 2022 Approach

Return to Office (RTO) in 2022 Approach

For most, January 3rd, 2022 marks the first day back in the office since March of 2020. Over the past couple of years, organizations have reacted to the rapid changes affecting the well-being of their workforce, and because of this, have not spent enough time...
Paying Remote Work Expenses, Yay or Nay?

Paying Remote Work Expenses, Yay or Nay?

The most popular question we receive from C-Suite executives is “Do we have a legal obligation to pay remote work-related expenses.” The answer we often give is “it depends.” But regardless of whether you have a legal obligation to reimburse your employees for remote...
Major Work From Home Perk: Saving Big Money

Major Work From Home Perk: Saving Big Money

I don’t know if you’re like me, but I’ve seen a little extra cash in my checking account lately. After a view of my expenses pre-pandemic and some research on average saving by career remote-workers, we’ve summarized the five most considerable costs you’ll cut by...
Remote Work is Definitely Here to Stay!

Remote Work is Definitely Here to Stay!

Hey, we get it, you’re doing everything you can to make the most of your home office situation. And we will be back in the office soon, right? WRONG! Estimates go as far as saying upwards of 36 million Americans will work remote full-time by 2025, an 87% increase from...