What is Home Office Ergonomics?

Ergonomics is the science of fitting the job to the worker. (Occupational Safety and Health Administration). Home office ergonomics is all about how your employees interact with the office tools and space while at work. Designing workstations and tools to reduce work-related issues like Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) or RSIs (repetitive strain injuries)  can help workers stay healthy and companies to reduce or eliminate the high costs associated with future claims. 

Why is it Important?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2018 there were over 900,000 occupational injuries and illnesses cases in the United States. Each case carried a median of 8 days away from work. Traditional office jobs (i.e. management, sales, finance, IT, etc) accounted for nearly 250,000 cases and over 2 million days away from work, talk about a major decrease in productivity and employee well-being!

Poor Ergonomics Hurt the Bottom Line

  1. Causes absenteeism.
  2. Reduces presenteeism (time at work, but mentally and physically putting in less effort)
  3. Lowered Morale. Absenteeism + presenteeism equals a distracted and unhappy workforce because others are now asked to do more work to compensate for a colleague not able to give 100%.
  4. High Turnover.

Incorporating ergonomic strategies into the home office setup helps improve efficiency, productivity, comfort for your staff and can reduce the possibility of future lost days. It also can potentially keep you out of a workers comp claim.

How to Combat

In the office, organizations control issues related to injury, and poor ergonomics by outfitting the building with the proper furniture, lighting, and spacing needed to work safely and productively. As your workforce begins to transition to telework, it could become your responsibility to ensure they have the same tools and equipment at home as they did in the office. 

Proper Ergonomics Make a Company Prosper

  1. Increased productivity. Fewer obstacles in the way of your employees giving 100% day in and day out
  2. Recruiting and retention! Supporting staff at the office as well as at home gives you a leg up on the competition. 
  3. Create a culture of wellness. Ergonomics shows the organization’s commitment to the safety, health, and wellness of its employees.

Here are some quick tips we’ve found helpful when communicating an ergonomically sound work from WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/ss/slideshow-ergonomic-tips-for-a-home-office#:~:text=Protect%20Your%20Back,towel%20behind%20your%20lower%20back.

Contact Cubicly for help tailoring a remote work strategy to fit your organization’s goals and your employee’s needs or for more resources on outfitting your home office.

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