Hey, we get it, you’re doing everything you can to make the most of your home office situation. And we will be back in the office soon, right? WRONG! Estimates go as far as saying upwards of 36 million Americans will work remote full-time by 2025, an 87% increase from pre-pandemic. So chances are you’ll be sharing a bit of your home with the rest of your colleagues for the foreseeable future. Here are some quick tips to work from home like a BOSS. 

Virtual backgrounds are so last year

Unless you have little kids running all over the place or the world’s sloppiest roommate, do yourself a favor and get rid of that virtual background. It was fun in 2020, but to embrace telework, you have to embrace having your peers get a peek inside of your home. And who knows, it may lead to some interesting conversation – you’d be surprised how many people have the same Home Goods painting.

Invest in proper lighting 

Consider this, no one wants to feel like they are staring into the abyss during your virtual call meetings. This can be avoided by installing the correct ambient lighting needed to create the exact professional atmosphere in your own home.

Get a hobby

Wait, what does a hobby have to do with working from home? It’s simple, the more time you spend inside your home working, the more time you should spend outside of your home doing almost anything else. Go for a hike, start running, make weekly lunch dates with friends, or volunteer after work at the local community center, just find new ways to get out in the world with real (not virtual) people. For those of you who enjoy being home? Ditch the PC, find a hobby that takes you away from your workstation a couple of hours per day.

Comfortability is not always ideal

Just because you are comfortable working on your big couch, or sitting at your breakfast bar, doesn’t mean you aren’t causing long-term issues for your body. If you’re lucky enough to have space for a desk and chair, we highly recommend buying ergonomic furniture. Not enough money to pay for a $1000 desk? Just ask your employer, many have set up discretionary funds for workers who need home office supplies and equipment. It may only require a simple email to your manager or a visit to the doctor’s office for a prescription. You should take your health seriously, having the proper equipment at home is one way of ensuring you remain in tip-top shape. 

Vacation mode: On

The most important thing we should all remember as a result of the pandemic and now working from home for extended (if not permanent) periods is to use your vacation. Don’t wait until the end of the year to take a 10-day vacation over the holidays like so many Americans. You know your energy battery levels the best, and if it’s anything like mine, I need at least 2-3 days per quarter to recharge to perform at optimal levels for my team, but MOST importantly my family. With all the added distractions working from home, don’t neglect yourself you’ll end up paying the price in the long run.

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