
Our solutions help organizations safely and effectively conduct business from anywhere. Whether establishing a hybrid work program or transitioning full-time to remote status, our resources keep you up-to-date with the future of work.

Readiness Assessment

Not every company is ready, willing, or able to transition to remote work. Take a quick assessment to determine if your organization’s current model fits in a flexible work environment.

(In-depth study conducted during client engagement)

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Advisory Services

Our professionals understand hybrid work strategies for a people-centric culture. We help craft flexible policies and solutions that fit your organization’s needs and budget.

Hybrid Work Feasibility Study

Unsure how a hybrid or remote model can work for your company? Allow Cubicly to conduct an enterprise-wide feasibility study to determine the model that’s best for you. The assessment includes culture surveys, an analysis of existing policies, and a review of management tools. At the conclusion of the study, your organization will understand the path to sustainable remote work as well as the upfront cost and ROI.

Product Procurement

Looking for a cost-effective time-saving way to procure ergonomic home and office equipment for your entire organization? Allow Cubicly to do it for you! Cubicly collaborates with well-known industry manufacturers to offer the best products at the lowest costs.

Data shows poor ergonomics directly correlates to lower productivity. Cubicly conducts individualized employee evaluations to find the best equipment to enable a more ergonomic fit.

Additional Services 

Whether you are researching remote work or have staff currently working from home; Cubicly is a great source for services like schedule optimization, WFH policy development, workplace redesign, and ergonomic assessments. Speak to a consultant to learn how we can help you on your journey to the Future of Work.